Monday, September 22, 2008


Remember "Taba Tina" (Fat Tina) that was shown in ABS-CBN's rival network GMA? The real title of it is " "Mi Gorda Bella" and it's originally produced by Venezuela's Radio Caracas Televisión. This telenovela is not officially based on Yo Soy Betty,la fea, but was probably inspired by it; lasted 178 episodes and distributed internationally by RCTV International. After Malaysians were seduced by the beautiful fat Valentina and her antics in "Mi Gorda Bella", a private television station has decided to buy the rights from Venezuela's RCTV to produce a local-flavored version of the telenovella called Manjalara. Using the same format but with a bit alteration to suit Malaysian cultural sensitivity, the serial is shown every Monday to Thursday at 6.30 p.m. on TV3. Starring Jehan Miskin, Emelda Rosmila as Manjalara, Sheila Rusly, Mustapha Kamal and former national gymnast Raja Farah.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

i love betty la fea(philippines)

This popular telenovela from Colombia breathes life to the story of Betty, an aesthetically-challenged career-oriented girl who happens to work in a posh advertising agency known as Eco Moda Manila. In an industry where everyone thrives on beauty and perfection, her lack of good looks and outdated sense of fashion make her an instant outcast amongst her superficial colleagues. Despite her shortcomings, Betty’s capabilities and innate kindheartedness have gained her a set of loyal friends.
Betty’s lackluster life, however, heads a turn for the better (or is it for worse?) when she meets the man of her dreams Armando, the President of Eco Moda Manila. How will Betty catch the elusive heart of someone who’s way out of her league? Is it possible that a good-looking guy like Armando will eventually fall in love with a certified ugly duckling?

Maria, I Asximi(greece)

In the channel Chanel Mega, it released Greek version, the 1 of January of 2007. They interpret the Greek actors of Maria Papasotiriou and Alexis Blankets. In its history it tells that Maria Papasotiriou (Aggeliki Daliani) has intelligence, humor, and kindness, but what she loses it is its conventional beauty. She considers that her appearance to be an obstacle in her search of the use, in spite of her diploma collection. She is demonstrated proudly by his parents, Kaiti and Iraklis. Not having luck in her search of the work, Maria decides to treat for a work so that she this describing, the secretary to Alexis Blankets (Anthimos Ananiadis), the director of a house of fashions that was called Ecomoda. Alexis is the bachelor coveted more in Athens, but in him it has been it jeopardize recently to Markella Stefanelli, to whom it tries to obtain the work to choose his better friend, Lilian Patrikarea, to be his secretary and to maintain an eye in him. Lilian does not have intelligence nor the kindness of Maria, but it inner has a beautiful appearance, that makes better of its labor quality in the house of fashions.

bea la fea(spain)

Después de cinco meses y con cien capítulos desde su estreno, la telenovela “Yo soy Bea”, que emite Telecinco, se convirtió en la producción española de este género más vista de la historia. Además, consiguió ser la sexta más competitiva de la televisión de ese país, sólo superada por títulos latinoamericanos emitidos en La Primera entre 1993 y 1998.
La serie, protagonizada por Ruth Núñez y Alejandro Tous, continúa ganando fieles, ya que ha conseguido techos de audiencia en torno a los tres millones y medio de seguidores, con un 37,6 por ciento de cuota de pantalla, por lo que se consolida como el producto más competitivo de la parrilla.
Esta historia se desarrolla en la telenovela “Yo soy Bea”, la versión española de la colombiana “Yo soy Betty la fea”. Al contrario de lo que sucedió en otros países, donde la artista que interpretaba a la protagonista no debía ser vista en los medios de comunicación, con contrato de por medio, Ruth Núñez fue descubierta por una revista española que se encargó de publicar su verdadero rostro.“Yo soy Bea” es un melodrama que la cadena Telecinco produce en colaboración con Grundy, Freemantle Media y RCN. Narra la historia de Beatriz Pinzón.

ugly betty(united states)

Adapted of the famous Colombian soap opera " I Am Betty, fea" by Salma Hayek, Ugly Betty released for the American public the 28 of September of the 2006 and week to week stays between top ratings of new programs. The ugly one is called ' now; Ugly Betty': At night of Thursday last, an ugly one made history in the television of the United States. Million spectators were witnesses of the arrival from Betty Suárez to the offices of the Mode magazine, dressed in showy poncho red crossed by the word ' Guadalajara' , that did not leave to doubt some on the Hispanic origin of its owner. Thus Ugly Betty, the new series of the television network ABC began, considered by dozens of critics like most showy of the season in the country of the north. With its frenillos glasses and inocultables, but also with an enormous heart, this Betty surely will gain to the American hearing of English speech as the personage did at the time of Beatriz Pinzón, according to the novel I I am Betty, the ugly one, created by the Colombian libretista Fernando Gaitán, whose first emission in channel RCN took place seven years ago indeed, in October of 1999. The young history of the little attractive one that, to end of capacity and tenacity, scale positions in the superficial business of the fashion is obviously a world-wide success, that engalana not only to Gaitán, but to the Colombian television. To the date, 94 countries have acquired the rights of the RCN production and local versions of history have taken place and emitted in India, Russia, Germany, Mexico, Holland, Spain and, now, the United States. In this last country, the initiative came from the well-known Mexican actress Salma Hayek, who fell in love with the series and managed to ahead remove the project in spite of the skepticism from some. The first critics after the opening of Thursday were enthusiastic, but the majors palms were for the actress America Ferrera, whom it interprets to Betty. The protagonist of the American series, coincidencialmente, was open pie by the Colombian Patricia Cardoso when she directed to his film the women really have curves, that gained the fervor of the critic in 2002. Now Ferrera, or better Betty Suárez, will have to survive like assistant of Daniel Meade, director and heir of a magazine of fashions of the style of Rows, that despises first it humiliates and it, before recognizing his qualities. Although still he lacks to know the verdict the hearing, this foreign Betty, that lives in the New York suburb of Queens, surely will leave triumphant - to similarity of the original Betty of the Colombian soap opera in hostile means, in which the outer beauty prevails on the values. Already the critic Jonathan Storm, of the newspaper The Philadelphia Inquirer, declared without blushing itself that he is " enamored with Ugly Betty". Smooth of Moraes, that writes in The Washington Post, he considers that he would have to occupy a hour strip of maximum hearing. Nobody assures that all the critic agrees with these opinions, but they can be predictions of another resonant success of Betty, this time in the first market of the world.

Sensiz Olmuyor(turkey)

In the first season of the series released in January of 2005 in the channel of Show TV in Turkey and it emitted 13 chapters, the actress Özlem Conker I personify the paper of the ugly one. As of the second season it changed to the other rival channel, Kanal D also emitted in 13 chapters but I personify the paper of an ugly one to another actress: Yeliz Şar, while the rest of the list remained intact

Ne rodis Krasivoi(russia)

The soap opera is emitted by private channel CTC for five months, of Monday through Friday, during one hour, to 8 p.m. the ugly one is called Katya Pushkareva and is carried out There by Nelly Uvarova, of that says that of Girl worked in a club for men called Diamond. The actress will arrive at Bogota next the 31 from March, to participate in the X Latin American Festival of Theater with the three work `hermanas'. When the proposal arrived from Sony at CTC, the chain thought that it was not a good idea, because it was a Latin argument. One of the factors that influenced in their success in this country is that the Colombians Luis Orjuela and Felipe Prawn traveled like consultants to adapt history to the Russian context. There `is called the luck of fea'. For Fernando Gaitán, the most significant fact went to see Don Hermes, the father of Betty, no longer recalling to Gardel and speaking with nostalgia of the Bogota of years back, but of the old woman glories of the socialism, of Lenin and Stalin. Her protagonist, Nelly Uvarova, will be even more near Colombia, because she will participate in the Latin American Festival of Theater of Bogota with the work the three brothers.

verliebt in berlin(germany)

The accomplishment has a name that nothing speaks of the ugly one: `Enamored in Berlín'. The protagonist is the beautiful Alexandra Nedel, that did not have any problem at the time of showing the German public the form to him as its sculptural body becomes one flácido one and without many sensual curves, thanks to corporal molds that exaggerate the measures of their body. The novel is emitted in the Sat1 channel of Monday through Friday in the schedule at night. Its success has been like already see in the streets of Berlin people who shine the t-shirt with the image of ugly the Smooth Plenske. In addition, glasses, key rings and all type of objects are obtained. At this moment the chapter is transmitted number 259. The luck of the ugly one… It has generated a revolution and she has been one of the pioneers in introducing the sort of the Latin American soap opera to the country. The phenomenon is followed all the nights by five million viewers (in Colombia the hearing was of three million and average) and has been so, that videojuego even inspired. This is the adaptation that more difference of the original one: " It was necessary to fit it much to our culture. For example, in Germany it does not surprise that a woman obtains a managemental position in a company, and that is not the axis of the plot, as partly it happens in ' I am Betty, fea' " , he explained to WEEK Thea Wulff, of the producer Grundy UFA. The adaptation gained the prize Deutscher the Fernsehpreis, most important of the German television and is name to the Rose D' or, known like the Oscar the European small screen. This version was sold to Hungary and France.

Jassi Jaissi Koi Nahin(israel)

India and several countries of East Europe are not unique that have let themselves catch by enchanted of the Colombian novel Betty the ugly one, now Israel adds themselves to the tap. At the moment a version of the novel with Israeli actors and spoken in Hebrew is being transmitted in the Asian country. The novel is called Essty hamejoeret, that means the ugly one, and the main actress looks itself much like ours (Ana Maria Orozco).

Esti Ha'mechoeret(india)

Its debut was in September of the 2003 by the channel Sony Entertainment. Its success was overwhelming, to such point that after few chapters the novel was positioned like number one between million viewers. The Indian actress Pretty Thesp Singh went the one in charge to characterize to the ugly Jasmeet Wahlia. Its race went off of such form that managed to enter the list of the most acclaimed stars of Bollywood (the Hollywood of India). The Indian version Jassi jaise koi nahin (there is nobody as Jassi) also conserved many elements of the novel of Gaitán. History is developed in Bombay, and like peculiar data, the personages, of high class speak in English and those of less position, in the native language. What more flame the attention is that in a so different culture, the program has conquered to the hearings. " This demonstrates the facility that has history to adapt to any means and that the feminine vanity is universal. The beauty is exceptional, if not outside thus, it would not be beauty and for that reason I believe that in the world there is many Bettys" , it is the reflection that makes Gaitán of its personage. " Also the feminine capacity of suffering is universal: to a woman they leave it planted in Tokyo and it hurts to him just like to one colombiana".

Yo soy Betty la fea(colombia)

For Beatriz Pinzón (Ana Maria Orozco) to obtain they contracted that it as secretary of Echo Fashion were the greater profit throughout her race like Economist, nothing flattering considering who was the best student of his faculty and who its intelligence is excellent. But it is not his fault, she has done until the impossible thing to secure a position in agreement with his capacities, even sending his leaf of life… without photo, and because she is old or she has some physical defect, although yes has a birth evil: she is ugly. To his 26 years, Betty, as their parents and their few friendly call, she is resigned to age next to his ancestors, because she already lost the hopes of which some man wants to form with her a home. Even, next to his friend Nicholas, already she makes jokes on his little attractive figure. But the ugliness does not prevent him to Betty to dream and since it began to work in Echo Fashion it imagines what would be to live a history on love with Arming to Mendoza (Jorge Enrique Abello) the president of the company. But it never would pay attention to her for something more than to discuss on some report that he must present/display before the board of directors of the company. In addition Mendoza has on its feet to whichever model wants and to its fianc2ee, Marcela Valencia (Natalia Ramirez), is the example of the beauty, the style and glamour. Betty never would be nothing else that its ally to remove ahead to Echo Fashion and to fight against the plans of Daniel (Luis Table), brother of Marcela and that is arranged to remain with the position of Arming. Against the interests of many and the scorn of another Betty it will manage to demonstrate of what he is able like professional and to even put in the personal life of Arming. Nevertheless, the things will not be as it hopes and this instead of to cause happiness to him, will wake up their pride and a force that few would hope of an ugly one. It is the history that it has to all patches to the television, and is not for less, then, when one saw that ugly, although an intelligent one, returned crazy to most handsome from the men, who can choose between most beautiful? Never. For that reason, Betty, the ugly one, and their loves with Arming make the delights of the viewers who love good histories of love