Thursday, September 18, 2008

ugly betty(united states)

Adapted of the famous Colombian soap opera " I Am Betty, fea" by Salma Hayek, Ugly Betty released for the American public the 28 of September of the 2006 and week to week stays between top ratings of new programs. The ugly one is called ' now; Ugly Betty': At night of Thursday last, an ugly one made history in the television of the United States. Million spectators were witnesses of the arrival from Betty Suárez to the offices of the Mode magazine, dressed in showy poncho red crossed by the word ' Guadalajara' , that did not leave to doubt some on the Hispanic origin of its owner. Thus Ugly Betty, the new series of the television network ABC began, considered by dozens of critics like most showy of the season in the country of the north. With its frenillos glasses and inocultables, but also with an enormous heart, this Betty surely will gain to the American hearing of English speech as the personage did at the time of Beatriz Pinzón, according to the novel I I am Betty, the ugly one, created by the Colombian libretista Fernando Gaitán, whose first emission in channel RCN took place seven years ago indeed, in October of 1999. The young history of the little attractive one that, to end of capacity and tenacity, scale positions in the superficial business of the fashion is obviously a world-wide success, that engalana not only to Gaitán, but to the Colombian television. To the date, 94 countries have acquired the rights of the RCN production and local versions of history have taken place and emitted in India, Russia, Germany, Mexico, Holland, Spain and, now, the United States. In this last country, the initiative came from the well-known Mexican actress Salma Hayek, who fell in love with the series and managed to ahead remove the project in spite of the skepticism from some. The first critics after the opening of Thursday were enthusiastic, but the majors palms were for the actress America Ferrera, whom it interprets to Betty. The protagonist of the American series, coincidencialmente, was open pie by the Colombian Patricia Cardoso when she directed to his film the women really have curves, that gained the fervor of the critic in 2002. Now Ferrera, or better Betty Suárez, will have to survive like assistant of Daniel Meade, director and heir of a magazine of fashions of the style of Rows, that despises first it humiliates and it, before recognizing his qualities. Although still he lacks to know the verdict the hearing, this foreign Betty, that lives in the New York suburb of Queens, surely will leave triumphant - to similarity of the original Betty of the Colombian soap opera in hostile means, in which the outer beauty prevails on the values. Already the critic Jonathan Storm, of the newspaper The Philadelphia Inquirer, declared without blushing itself that he is " enamored with Ugly Betty". Smooth of Moraes, that writes in The Washington Post, he considers that he would have to occupy a hour strip of maximum hearing. Nobody assures that all the critic agrees with these opinions, but they can be predictions of another resonant success of Betty, this time in the first market of the world.

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